Start with the basics. Is your goal to make your target audience identify with your brand? Evoke emotion? Challenge? Compel to act? These questions might seem straightforward, but you would be surprised how many brands miss this critical first step.

Stop. Think. Search. Test.


While developing the MadLegs Media brand identity, we knew we didn’t want literal translations of tangibles or ideas. Buildings to convey strength and bridges to convey working together felt too forced for us. Instead, we wanted collages and symbols designed to intrigue and linger. Shapes, colours and perspectives would connect the images; textures and patterns would create visual interest. At least this is how we started.


A funny thing happened as we started sourcing imagery for our website. Shapes looked flat. Colours were loud. Themes were vague. The concept didn’t translate onto web. So we started over. That’s the point with the creative process – you often end up somewhere you didn’t expect, so be prepared and open to change.


Then it happened. We stumbled upon graffiti that captured our attention.  When heads start tilting and minds start pondering, you know you are onto something great.

We like the idea (not the act of vandalism) of graffiti. We like thinking of artists who have so much to express that it bursts onto subways, buildings and walls in colourful and provocative displays.

The art of graffiti has ancient roots with Egyptians, Greeks and Romans scratching or painting figure drawings onto stone. These marks were directions, commentary and forms of expression. Modern graffiti has obviously evolved since the Greeks - in both style and tools - but the goals remain the same: expression.

And this is where MadLegs Media found inspiration and the perfect tone to connect our two sides: Mad and Legs; creative and corporate; driven and deliverable; start-up and global; intense and inspiring.   

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Is modern graffiti an art movement?

You decide. It communicates events and thoughts. It inspires (or is inspired by) music and pop culture. It’s a form of expression (often anonymous). People talk about it. It requires talent. Is graffiti art? What is art? Should art be a public good? You decide.  

click here to learn more about graffiti

click here to start following MadLegs Media on Pinterest

